Ever wanted to sew your dream garment, however you find out it has a zipper so you ditch your sewing plans before you go into a panic attack? We sure use to!
Our below simple 9 step guide to sewing an invisible zipper will keep your heart rate down and your mind in tact. This is the perfect tutorial for beginner sewists, looking to up their skills in the zipper department!
Step 01
Use an invisible zipper foot or standard zipper foot attachment
on your sewing machine.
*note: overlock your seams before you start sewing.
Step 02
Open zipper, have the front side of the zip face down; teeth away from overlocking and place the plastic end on the edge of the garment.
Step 03
Stitch the zip on to the garment, (pin down to keep in place). Roll teeth out to get the stitch as close as possible to the edge. Close zipper.
Step 04
Pin the other side of zip in place. Make sure your garment hasn’t twisted and check all seams line up.
Step 05
Open the zip, roll out teeth and sew as close to the edge as you can without stitching the teeth. Sew right up to the metal zipper at the end.
Step 06
Pin zip end out of the way. Sew closed the rest of the garment using your zipper foot.
Step 07
Stitch the top end of the zip down.
Step 08
Stitch bottom end of the zip down.
Step 09
Completed invisible zip!